
Work Health and Safety Policy for MAAC Studios Pty Ltd

MAAC Studios Pty Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) recognizes the importance of ensuring the health and safety of its employees, including those who work from home. The Company is committed to complying with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) and its associated regulations to ensure the health and safety of all employees.

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This policy applies to all employees who work from home on a regular or occasional basis.


The Company is responsible for providing a safe working environment for all employees, including those who work from home. The Company will ensure that:

Adequate resources and support are provided to enable employees to work safely from home.
Regular communication with employees is maintained to ensure their safety and well-being.
All safety hazards and incidents are reported and investigated promptly.
Employees are responsible for:

Complying with this policy and all relevant legislation, regulations, and standards.
Undertaking a safety assessment of their work environment in line with the NSW Government’s checklist.
Notifying their manager immediately of any safety hazards or incidents.
Health and Safety Requirements:
To ensure the health and safety of employees who work from home, the Company requires that:

Employees undertake an assessment of their work environment in line with the NSW Government’s checklist and rectify any identified hazards promptly.
Employees ensure their work environment is free from trip hazards, electrical hazards, and ergonomic risks.
Employees use appropriate equipment, including ergonomic chairs and computer monitors, to minimize the risk of injury.
Employees take regular breaks and avoid working excessive hours to prevent fatigue and stress-related injuries.
Employees report all safety hazards and incidents to their manager immediately.
Communication and Consultation:
The Company will maintain regular communication with employees who work from home to ensure their safety and well-being. The Company will also consult with employees on matters relating to health and safety and encourage them to provide feedback on this policy.


This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains relevant and effective. Any changes to the policy will be communicated to employees in a timely manner.


The Company is committed to ensuring the health and safety of its employees who work from home. By complying with this policy and all relevant legislation, regulations, and standards, the Company and its employees can work together to create a safe and healthy work environment.